Disposable diapers take many years to biodegrade, and although new ways of doing so make it ideal for nature to absorb them in approximately 50 years, it is still extremely difficult to manage the quantities that are discarded annually. Considering that a baby spends 1,500 to 2,000 diapers in its first year, we can calculate how much garbage of this type is generated on the planet. Use cloth diapers are made of natural fibers such as cotton; a child will only use between 12 and 24 diapers of this type throughout his life.
Table of Contents
1. The comfort of your baby
If you use cloth diapers, why do you put your baby diapers paper or plastic 24 hours a day? The softness and feel that a cloth diaper provides cannot be compared to those of a disposable diaper.
2. The environment
Seldom will we have within our reach the possibility of doing something so representative for our environment? Disposable diapers leave approximately 2,700 kilograms of non-biodegradable waste (without considering the waste generated when manufacturing them) per child. Compare it with the few cloth diapers you are going to use.
According to the Ministry of Economy, in Spain, an average of 124 diapers per baby per month is used, which is approximately equivalent to a football field full of diapers up to a height of 10 meters, every month. And they take 200 to 500 years to decompose. In fact, in some municipalities of the United Kingdom, municipalities subsidize the purchase of cloth diapers to avoid costs of treatment of garbage produced by disposable diapers.
In the United States, 82,000 tons of plastic are generated and 250,000 trees are cut every year to make disposable diapers, which means throwing away 18,000 million diapers. Of all this, only 40% is biodegradable.
3. Economic savings
Check our calculations. Approximately the saving is about 1,000 Euros. You can enter them into an account to use them if necessary, or simply relieve the family budget.
4. Diapers are left before
It is a fact that children who wear cloth diapers learn to control their sphincters first, and with less effort on the part of their parents. The basic reason is that when they wet a cloth diaper, they notice it immediately. With disposable diapers, it is very likely that you do not know what is happening with your body because you do not notice anything.
5. Cloth diapers do not carry gels
The polyacrylate gel in diapers is relatively new, and no one knows the consequences of its long-term use. In addition, they carry many dioxins. It is true that the cloth also carry, but they are removed in the first washings (even before your baby uses them). The superabsorbent diapers contain sodium polyacrylate. This substance was suppressed from tampons in 1985 due to its relationship with the toxic collapse syndrome. Many babies, especially premature babies, should use natural diapers because they are allergic to the chemical components of disposable diapers.
6. Cloth diapers are much nicer
Not only are there a wide variety of materials, but the prints and colors are so beautiful! There are mothers who make their children’s diapers to match the dress or hat they wear.
7. Fun for mothers
The vast majority of mothers who use cloth diapers for their children love buying new designs or prints. There is a large market for used diapers on the Internet and in mobile applications. Due to the wide variety of materials and designs, there are budgets for all tastes.
8. Better mattress for the falls of ass
Cloth diapers provide a more comfortable landing when babies learn to walk.
9. It’s easier to count used diapers
To be sure that your baby is getting enough milk, some doctors, instead of trusting the baby himself, recommend counting wet diapers. It is much easier to count cloth diapers than disposable superabsorbents.
10. They can be used by siblings, given away or sold
Disposable diapers are that disposable diapers, while cloth diapers can be used until they physically disintegrate, which means many, many uses. On Amazon, there is a very interesting market for used diapers. Some diapers, in addition, improve after many washes because they become more absorbent.
11. You give support to many working mothers
Buying cloth diapers you will be supporting many working mothers since they are the ones who mainly produce cloth diapers. You decide if you want to invest your money in something really ecological, or give it to multinationals.
12. The shopping cart is not filled with diapers
For families with more than one child who wears diapers, the shopping cart is filled immediately with the ones they need for one or two weeks. It is one less item to load when you buy what is necessary for the family and something less from the shopping list.
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