I am glad that you visit my page because I understand that you use cloth diaper or are contemplating giving your baby the comfort that the fabric offers us. As I tell you I had a diaper for a long period and enjoyed simultaneous diapering with two babies, this gave me the opportunity to get to know this fascinating and even obsessive world. In my beginnings, there was less information than now and being able to get it right was complicated. Moms are trained to choose a natural disposable diaper from cost, size, brand, absorption, and composition, and when they are faced with the incognito of choosing a good cloth diaper they are mostly carried away for the price; although this is an insufficient parameter to be able to succeed and get a good/excellent choice.
What should I consider when looking for a cloth diaper?
You must ask all the questions that assail you at the time of the search.
1) You must know if it is unit all; This will let you know from what weight (kg) to what age you can use your cloth diaper, since one of the benefits of cloth diapers is to make a single investment and use your same reserve (stash) throughout the period in which your baby will wear diaper.
2) What absorption does this cloth diaper offer me? When we talk about absorption it is important that you know all the fabrics that are used for absorbents of cloth diapers, for example microfiber, it is a synthetic fiber, it should NOT be in contact with the baby’s skin and its absorption capacity is almost null, in many cases it works like a sponge; absorbs and distributes so that the absorbent of greater capacity has a good effect, let’s say it is a “helper”. There is CAÑAMO, a fabric derived from cotton and has maximum absorption, only that with liquids it becomes hard and you should cover it with a soft textile to avoid discomfort. COTTON in all its presentations: velor, organic, hairstyle. Cotton is a 100% natural fiber super absorbent and is one of the noblest and easy to find! can go in direct contact with the skin, An excellent ally when you wear cloth diaper. BAMBÚ is a 100% natural fiber 5 times more absorbent than cotton, anti-bacterial, it is the ideal fiber for cloth diaper absorbents.
3) How many absorbent or inserts does the diaper that I am choosing include? At least 2 absorbents of natural or mixed fibers must be included with some synthetic fiber to make equipment and the absorption is maximum. When a cloth diaper only includes a short microfiber absorbent is insufficient, you will have pee leaks and you will have to continually move the diaper, taking into account that an ablactant baby requires a greater absorption than that of an infant.
4) Velcro or Snap ?? By this I mean what kind of closure you can choose since there are brands that handle velcro and snap (push button) and other diaper lines one or the other. For my liking, the most practical was velcro since it is the closest thing to the closure of a disposable diaper and therefore it is practical and the adjustment in the belly is more precise, in addition to the nurseries always request that if you use diaper Velcro fabric is already what we usually master all even the Dads !!!!!! You should only provide some precautions at the time of washing to avoid damage to other garments during the washing cycle.
5) Will my baby always be wet? Nooooo! The modern cloth diapers have a fabric in contact with the baby’s skin that will allow the passage of liquids without returning to the delicate bubbles of your little one. With this textile your baby will always be dry.
6) How many types of diapers will I find in the market? Ahhhh Excellent question, because there is great variety for you to choose the one. There are the most common and known “pocket” have a compartment to insert the absorbents, with this system you have to move all the diaper pieces in each change, they are waterproof on their own and must be fully equipped ready to use. There are hybrid diapers that have an outer cover that you will use again and again, allowing you to change only the absorbent; If the diaper is stained or dirty with feces or urine you will have to move all the pieces. You will also see tight diapers that are made only of natural fibers (bamboo, cotton) and are ideal for night use, These diapers are NOT waterproof and to prevent moisture from passing outside wetting your baby, you will need a waterproof cover like the “nenuco” that were sold in stores in the past. The covers are also unitalla and you can use it up to 3 occasions without having to wash it every time you change a diaper.
You can also make your own diapers as your “grandma” did them and these are flat diapers, cut in a single measure and canes, with these diapers you will have to do some bending to reinforce the absorption and as they are very simple diapers they also need a cover waterproof and of a fastening system to be able to close them, previously they were closed with «securities» and / or fajeros, at present there are safer methods such as snappis and boingos for all those diapers that do not have a type of closure, on another occasion We will talk about these modern artifacts and how “safe” they are for babies.
Pre-folded, they are natural fiber diapers, in the form of reinforced rectangles in the center of the diaper, these diapers are very noble and it is an economical option to the diaper, you will need a waterproof cover and some diaper bras such as snappis and boingos.
You will also find Newborn diapers with a pocket system, these are ideal for premature babies or who do not reach the weight to use a single-diaper diaper, these diapers adjust on average from 2,400 kg. up to 7 kg, it is a practical option to start from day one.
7) Should I use a special detergent for diaper washing? You will find this option, and being an exclusive cloth diaper detergent the result will be optimal, although if you believe that having to use a “special” detergent removes what is practical for your diapers you have the option of commercial detergents that are free of phosphates, optical brighteners, chlorine and softeners, such as: seal, Snow White, Harm & Hammer, Rome and green persil. You should never use chlorine, fabric softeners, vinegar, bar soap (zote, Tepeyac, etc.)
It is important that you choose a cloth diaper of national or foreign recognized brand peeeeeero you should always be aware of what you buy as there are oriental diapers that re-label and sell them at high prices without giving you the quality of a registered and endorsed brand. You have to open your eyes well so that the diaper you choose has a guarantee, that it is a fully equipped diaper and you do not have to pay in the future to reinforce them. Train yourself and let yourself be carried away by this wonderful world that is so fleeting and in a short time you will be looking for COACHES !!!
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