Cloth diapers are gaining in popularity for a number of reasons. For one, cloth diapers can be reused over and over again which means less waste and cost. If you have sensitive skin cloth diapers may also be the right option for your baby as they reduce the risk of rashes or allergic reactions caused by disposable diaper rash cream. In this blog post, we will discuss cloth diapering options that are designed with sensitive skin in mind!
Table of Contents
What is the difference between cloth and disposable diapers?
The cloth diaper is made of natural materials like cotton, while the disposable ones are usually plastic. Cloth diapers have greater absorbency than a cloth or even a reusable one-time use cloth diaper pad because they can hold more liquid without leaking through to your child’s underwear and clothes.
Disposable clothes don’t contain any water or detergent that will clean them in between uses so bacteria and other germs can spread easily from baby to mommy leaving many parents uncomfortable with using them on their children.
Disposables also often contain harsh chemicals or fragrances that make it difficult for sensitive-skinned babies who need an extra gentle touch when bathing themselves after changing into new clothes at home or away from home.
Why are cloth diapers better for sensitive skin than disposable diapers?
Cloth diapers are better for sensitive skin than disposable cloths because cloth diapers do not contain harsh chemicals or fragrances that can irritate a baby’s delicate areas.
Disposable cloth diaper brands often use bleach, chlorine, and dyes to make their products look fresh instead of using natural ingredients like saltwater which would be safer for your child’s sensitive area.
To preserve the integrity of cloth materials, they may also wash with hot water rather than a chemical detergent found in disposable cloths which contains perfumes and other additives that some parents find irritating on their children’s skin.
- cloth diapers are more durable than disposables and they cost less in the long run.
- cloth diapers can be easily washed with detergent to maintain cleanliness without chemicals or fragrances that may irritate sensitive skin.
- cloth diaper covers will help keep your child’s clothes dry between changes, so you’ll need fewer cloth diapers for each change if using a cover. Plus, when parents use their own cloth wipes it is easy to avoid unnecessary residue left on the baby after changing which often happens when disposable wipes are used because of how thin and absorbent these products are made.
- cloth diapering can save you a lot of money over time because cloth diapers are reusable, and they’re also not as expensive as disposables
- cloth diapering should be done in the same way that disposable diaper use is completed. Once you’ve finished using one side on your baby’s bottom, simply turn it around to use the other side. Cloth diapers may require more frequent washing depending upon what type of fabric is used (e.g., the cotton cloth needs less washing than polyester)
How to choose a diaper that will work best for your child’s needs?
-Price: cloth diapers are more expensive than disposables but they will save you money in the long run.
-Fit: cloth diapers are made of natural fibers so it is important to find a diaper that fits well and won’t leak over time. Diapers with extra features like breathable material, stretchy tabs, or waterproof lining can make all the difference when trying to find one for sensitive-skinned babies who have trouble tolerating heat and moisture on their skin.
The right cloth diaper choice also includes washing materials that should be environmentally friendly with no dyes or fragrances added because these may irritate your baby’s sensitive skin even further.
Choosing cloth diapers for sensitive skin means knowing what fabric types work best and what materials to avoid.
- cloth diapers with breathable material, stretchy tabs, or waterproof lining can make all the difference when trying to find one for sensitive-skinned babies who have trouble tolerating heat and moisture on their skin
- cloth diapering requires washing clothes that are environmentally friendly because dyes or fragrances added may irritate your baby’s sensitive skin even further
- cloth diapers for sensitive skin should be made out of fabric types that work best (e.g., cotton) and avoided (e.g., polyester).
Steps on how to get started with using cloth diapers, including what you need to buy and where you can find them
We did some research on Cloth diapers and came out with this list below.
Gerber Birdseye 3-Ply Prefold Cloth Diapers
Gerber Birdseye 3-Ply Prefold Diapers are made of a lightweight fabric that is soft and quick drying. Mom can customize the fold when burping the baby.
The product comes in a white 10 pack. Woven in a pattern that provides a soft and absorbent diaper.
Machine washable, the diapers come with elastic at each end to provide a snug fit around the baby’s waist and legs for leak protection.
A tab with snaps offers easy removal for cleaning as well as an adjustable fit for comfort and convenience during changing time

Prefold Cloth Diapers 100% Cotton
Prefold Cloth Diapers 100% Cotton is a high-quality diaper for infants as well as toddlers. This diaper is made of unbleached cotton, which makes it soft and comfortable. It has been designed to fit babies from birth to potty training.
The Prefold Cloth Diapers 100% Cotton also comes with a waterproof outer layer that prevents leakage while keeping the baby dry. Its elastic waistband provides a snug fit around the baby’s tummy area, thereby preventing leakage and discomfort.

Tips on washing the diapers in order to keep them clean and smelling fresh.
- Cloth diapers are machine washable and can be washed in hot water.
- Woolite cloth diaper cleaner is a great product to use when washing cloth diapers with sensitive skin
The following tips below should be used for cloth diapering your baby:
- Run cold water through the cloth diaper before placing it on your baby’s bottom, which will help keep them cooler and reduce the risk of getting diaper rash or other skin irritations from wetness. This also means that you need to change their clothes more often during periods where they sweat excessively or have been outside playing in the heat. The heat combined with moisture increases the chances of irritation occurring.
- Use cloth wipes as opposed to disposable ones; this eliminates using chemicals such as alcohol. You can also use cloth wipes for your sensitive skin to avoid the irritation caused by disposable ones.
- Change cloth diapers more often, because wetness from a cloth diaper sitting on your baby’s bottom causes irritation and rash in many cases – even when the diaper is not infected with bacteria or yeast (which cause rashes).
- Keep cloth diapers at room temperature if possible; this will reduce any risk of bacterial growth or infection due to heat exposure. If you need to wash them in hot water, allow them to air dry instead of putting them into a clothes dryer since that exposes these items directly to high levels of heat which increases the chances of irritating sensitive skin.
Frequenly Asked Questions
Are cloth diapers better for sensitive skin?
Cloth diapers are better for sensitive skin because cloth is more breathable than plastic or cotton. This reduces the chance of irritation and rash from sitting on your baby’s bottom, which can happen even when cloth diapering isn’t infected with bacteria. Cloth diapers also cause less friction against the baby’s skin so there is little to no risk of a diaper reaction due to dryness.
Do cloth diapers help with eczema?
Cloth diapers can help with eczema in a variety of ways. They are more breathable than plastic or cloth diapers, making them less likely to cause irritation and rash from sitting on your baby’s bottom which can happen even when cloth diapering isn’t infected with bacteria. Cloth diapers also cause less friction against the baby’s skin so there is little to no risk of diaper reaction due to dryness.
Which diaper is best for sensitive skin?
This cloth diaper is one of the best cloth diapers for sensitive skin because it has a velour-like lining on top. The inner layer will also be removable and this cloth diaper can be used with or without an insert so you have more choices in both how to style your baby’s needs.
Why are my cloth diapers causing the rash?
If cloth diapers are causing the rash, then they may not be absorbing moisture well and leaving your baby feeling wet for a long period of time.
You also want to make sure that you use cloth diapers with an insert so that there is no contact between cloth diaper fibers and sensitive skin.
Even if cloth diapering doesn’t cause any issues, it can still lead to infection by keeping bacteria on its surface which could seep into the child’s body through their bottom or from handling them without washing hands first.
Cloth diapering causes less friction against the baby’s skin so there is little risk of dryness leading to diaper rashes as well.
Can certain diapers cause rash?
Some diapers can cause rashes if your baby has sensitive skin.
In cloth diapers, the risks of cloth diaper fibers coming into contact with sensitive skin are eliminated by using cloth diapers that have an insert so there’s no direct contact. Doing this can help prevent infection and irritation to your baby.
Cloth diapering also causes less friction against the baby’s skin which helps eliminate other problems like dryness leading to a rash.
Are Honest diapers good for sensitive skin?
Honest cloth diapers are made from breathable, hypoallergenic cloth that is gentle on sensitive skin. They help prevent the buildup of ammonia in your baby’s diaper which can lead to a rash and other problems like dryness or rashes.
Honest cloth diapers use no synthetic fibers at all so there’s little risk of irritation against sensitive skin as well.
The double-layer cotton leaves more air space between the wet zone and the outside world for less contact with bacteria while providing an extra soft feel next to their tender tushies too!
Can disposable diapers cause eczema?
Some people believe that cloth diapers are better for sensitive skin because they breathe. Cloth diaper companies claim this is the case, but there has never been any conclusive study to confirm or deny these claims.
It’s also possible that cloth diapers could cause eczema by messing with your baby’s natural pH balance and changing his/her sweating routine due to the thickness of cloth materials.
It is common for disposable diapers to contain chlorine bleach which can be a major irritant when it comes into contact with sensitive skin like eczema!
Some studies have shown an increased risk of asthma in babies who wore cloth diapers as infants while other studies show no link at all between cloth vs disposable diapering methods and asthmatic symptoms.
How do you know if the baby is allergic to diapers?
It’s possible that cloth diapers could cause eczema by messing with your baby’s natural pH balance and changing his/her sweating routine due to the thickness of cloth materials.
Some studies have shown an increased risk of asthma in babies who wore cloth diapers as infants while other studies show no link at all between cloth vs disposable diapering methods and asthmatic symptoms.
If you suspect your child is experiencing a diaper allergy, speak to their pediatrician or allergist immediately! They will be able to recommend the best course of action for sensitive skin like eczema.
Can you use coconut oil for diaper rash with cloth diapers?
Coconut oil is a great cloth diaper-safe ointment for cloth diapers. It’s easy to use and can be easily applied by rubbing it on the wet cloth after you’ve removed the soiled one from your baby.
How long can a baby wear a cloth diaper?
A cloth diaper can be worn for up to 12 hours. This is because cloth diapers are designed to absorb fluids and keep them away from your baby’s skin while still maintaining a healthy pH level, which prevents the growth of bacteria on the cloth fabric that causes rashes.
In addition, cloth diapering allows you to change your baby more often than disposables do!
Disposable diapers have been shown in studies to provide an average of six hours’ worth of protection before leaking or overflowing, whereas cloth ones allow enough time between changes (upwards of 12), so it’s much easier on babies with sensitive skin like eczema and other conditions.
Are baths good for diaper rash?
Baths are great for soothing and improving the condition of a diaper rash.
This is because cloth diapers sit snugly around your baby’s waist, which can be irritating to sensitive skin. The water in baths helps cool off irritated skin, while also keeping cloth moist against their waist area so that it doesn’t start to dry out as quickly.
It’s important not to leave cloth diapers on during or after a bath though: you want them completely wet at all times! Dryness will irritate and create more rashes over time if left unchecked.
Can diapers too big cause rash?
Diapers are too big if they don’t completely cover your baby’s cloth and waist. This is the most common cause of diaper rash in cloth diapers – when the cloth is exposed to moisture, it can lead to skin irritation.
It’s important not to leave cloth diapers on during or after a bath though: you want them completely wet at all times! Dryness will irritate and create more rashes over time if left unchecked.
Should you wipe after every pee diaper?
You should always wipe the cloth diaper area after every pee! If you don’t, urine can cause irritation and create rashes. It is important to change cloth diapers often so they are not wet for too long- this will also help prevent skin irritations.
Do you have to put diaper cream on every time?
You should always put diaper cream on cloth diapers if the baby has sensitive skin. The cloth diaper will protect your child’s bottom from chemicals in the creams, and you only need to apply it a few times per day for maximum protection!
Should I change a poopy diaper if the baby is sleeping?
Yes, it is always important to change cloth diapers as soon as they are dirty! Poopy cloth diapers can cause a rash or irritation on sensitive skin. Make sure you wipe the cloth diaper area off first and then put on a new one.
You should also wash your hands before touching the baby’s bottom after changing the cloth diaper if you have been handling other things with germs- this will help prevent spreading bacteria from an unpopped cloth diaper onto your child during their sleep time.
Cloth diapers are the best option for sensitive skin because they’re made of natural fibers. The elastic in disposable diapers can cause a chemical burn on your baby’s bum, which is why we recommend cloth. Want to learn more? Leave us your comment below!
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