It is important that we should give attention to the emotional development of babies from birth, since this will be the beginning of learning to know how to manage emotions in the future.
When they are born, babies need us to take care of them, give them security, food, protection … but also our love and affection. We all know how important it is to take care of our baby, not only physically, but also emotionally. For this reason, we are going to see how we can emotionally stimulate the baby from birth.
Both the cognitive and emotional development of the baby evolve little by little, although this does not mean that the child is born without the ability to feel emotions. Over time, we learn to identify, name and manage these emotions.
Do you want to know how to emotionally stimulate the baby from birth? It is important that we do not forget to promote the emotional development of the child.
Table of Contents
How is The Social and Emotional Development of Babies in The First Months?
The baby, from its first months of life, already shows signs of its social and emotional development. Let’s see how it evolves throughout these.

From 0 to 3 months
Throughout these months, they begin to be more expressive, both with the face and with the body; They are already more communicative and parents enjoy those gestures that make them so special.
Already closer to three months they begin to imitate the smile they see in others and this smile becomes more and more social, since they use it as a form of communication, not like in the first month of life, which is just a reflection to give way to the true social smile.
From 4 to 7 months
Babies begin to react to the emotions of others, especially their primary caregivers. They enjoy the game, especially with bright colors and sounds. In these first months, the game is his way of learning.
The social and emotional are present from birth and interrelated. We, as parents, are in charge of helping them learn and develop both.
Tips to Emotionally Stimulate The Baby From Birth
Given the importance of emotional and social development in people, it is essential that parents take care, from birth, to provide them with the necessary stimulation for the correct development of these skills. Let’s see how we can emotionally stimulate the baby from birth.
When The Little One Smiles, Smile Back
When they are born, babies tend to smile, especially when they sleep; This smile is a reflection that will give way to social and voluntary smiles. From this moment, he already begins to show his emotions; with it, they indicate to us that they feel comfortable, happy and safe.
By 3 months, they already begin to imitate smiles if they see them on other faces. This is their way of communicating intention with the person in front of them, therefore, it is important that we respond with a smile when the little one smiles at us.
Thus, you will associate that our smile is a response to yours and, in this way, the foundations of subsequent communication will be established.
Talk to you at all times
Even if such a young baby may not understand the meaning of our words when we speak to him, because he has not yet begun to develop language, it is important that we speak to him and respond to his babbling.
In addition, even if it seems that these babblings are not intentional, if we respond to them by speaking to them, they will feel heard and this will develop their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Respect their rhythms and tastes to emotionally stimulate the baby from birth
Each child has rhythms and preferences, therefore, we cannot impose how they should react or express their emotions. As your baby develops, you will notice how she likes to be talked to, treated or caressed …
Parents are the ones who spend the most time with them, therefore, we are the ones who know them the most and we can detect in their gestures and expressions how they feel or if they like or dislike anything.

Touch, look, smile
People, in addition to communicating through language, we also do so through gestures, behaviors, etc. In these first months of the baby, our gestures to communicate with the little one take on real importance.
We must take into account three basic aspects: touch, look, and smile. With these three things, we are giving our child security, attention and love. Touch becomes a fundamental tool with the baby, since we express our affection and love, and we teach him that, through these caresses, we share our emotions.
The Importance of Emotionally Stimulating The Baby From Birth
We have already seen how we can emotionally stimulate the baby from birth. So, smile at your little one when he smiles, as you will be offering him your company. Comfort him when he cries and he will feel protected, safe and secure. And caress it, touch it, because touch is the first communication we have at an early age with our baby.
Although it is difficult to understand, education and emotional stimulation have to start from day one. Let’s show our love, affection and affection. With that, we will already be teaching them the value of respect.
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