Pampers brand diaper first bust onto the diaper scene in 1961 and was one of the first to introduce America to the “disposable diaper”. Upon their initial release, they were only able to provide a couple of options to the public and its only been over the course of time and research that they have developed into a household name with pretty much any size and style you can think of to help meet the needs of just about any parent and baby out there. Pampers diapers come in a wide range of sizes and styles.

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They make diapers that small enough for the smallest of preemie’s and are able to meet your baby’s needs as they grow all the way up through size 7. Diapers going up to size 2 are sold as Swaddlers or Baby Dry. Diapers in size 3-6 are sold as either Cruisers or Baby Dry. There is a size 7 diaper available only in the Cruisers line. Pampers also produces more than diapers as most parents are probably aware of but if you’re new to the whole parenting game then it would be a good idea to know what else they have to offer. They also produce baby wipes which help to not only keep your baby clean but also to help keep the baby free from rash or infection. They also make a great potty training diaper called Easy Ups that is a pull-up diaper that is easy for a young one to pull up and down as they’re learning to use the grown-up potty. In keeping with the idea of easy up, they have another wonderful diaper that they’ve been designed for the pool.
The splashers line are a disposable swimpant to help keep any foreign objects out of the water as they get acquainted with or learn how to swim. They also have a convenient product for kids who are going through the phase or struggling with bedwetting. If your child has an issue with this you don’t have to worry too much, there’s a lot of reasons why this might be an issue. Just be patient and loving and understand that this to will pass. In the meantime, you may want to check out Pampers UnderJams for kids up to 85 pounds. It will help save on time and money, no more pulling the sheets every night or morning and having to wash all the time. With all that Pampers has to offer you’re sure to find the right product to help you as you do your best to raise you, baby.
Linda Miller says
In the same boat! My girl is 11 months and on the verge of walking by herself. We started EC 3 weeks ago and it took off really well and now the last few days I have been only catching the poops and only a few pees. My guess is due to the holidays and running around. I still offer after waking, before and after eating, and when I feel the whole intuition thing. She prefers standing peeing in the tub and arches her back and fusses over the toilet so… I am remaining my positive self and not forcing her to go on the toilet. When I change a wet cloth diaper I verbally acknowledged that she peed and then she helps me put the wet diaper in the bag. I am currently focusing on making the bathroom experience a bit more fun and connecting more with her. I found EC to enhance our connection and I completely plan on continuing!
Lucia Schwartz says
We have been buying these diapers on subscription through Amazon since our youngest was born. We have gone through sizes 1-4 and are now potty trained. The orders were always on time and I really liked that they just came in the Pampers box itself so I did not have an extra box to throw away. I would call our youngest a medium to heavy wetter and there was never a leak, even when we would get busy and I would forget to change him as regularly as I should. (There goes my Mom of the Year award!). Since he was a breast fed baby, the poops were quite runny until he started on solid foods. Not one blow out with these diapers. Seriously. The wetness indicator works great and is very visible. Once he was mobile I was worried we would have problems with them, but we never did. This is one product that I can whole heartedly recommend without any reservation. The Amazon subscription was easy to set up and easy to cancel once we no longer needed them. What a relief to never worry about having to run to town for diapers!